2Simple also looking at the potential of augmented reality. This really is cutting edge.
Now the raffle - I never win anything, but the cause is great. £550 raised for the Cuban school.
Tom Barrett: "Mr Barrett, I have got glue on my laptop"
Technology used right along with traditional classroom tools. "Giving children a permanent technology choice in the classroom makes a huge difference."
Using GoogleEarth - "...most engaging tool out there." Using Vocaroo with GoogleEarth to plan a journey in a story. Setting location marks and adding notes to tell a story in snippets.
Using IM applications in class. Most popular online tool with children.
Sharing bookmarks with kids using delicious.com. (Something Cleveland Junior and Becontree Primary are already doing).
Twitter used in class - only 95% thought he was bonkers. 5% less than last year.
Edith - Year 9 student. Does X=Y?
Talking about technology tribes and Digital Natives. Am I Native or a Bridge? Am I young enough to be Native? :o)
"Young people are helping their parents catch up (with technology)"
Are we challenging students (Natives) enough? Recent OFSTED report says no.
Ollie Bray (www.olliebray.com): Maps, Mashups and Milkfloats.
Games based learning and using Wordle.net
Using free online tools to engage children.
GoogleEarth - showing the world spinning. Children start to have geographical conversations.
Task in a bucket (location lotto!) - pull a location out of a bucket and fly there on GoogleEarth from your school location.
www.bighugelabs.com (be careful how you type that!)
Thanks to the organisers for a fantastic evening (Lords!), and thanks also to all the sponsors.
Thanks for the mentio here - really enjoyed TeachmeetNEL09. Have posted full on-line handout over on my site. Have agreat Easter. OB